Our story

The Society was founded in 1975 to help collect and preserve historical items from the Kiama council area. In 1988, through a Commonwealth grant, the Pilot’s Cottage at Blowhole Point was transformed into a museum which we open to visitors through the support of volunteers.

Kiama & District Historical Society Inc. is run as an incorporated association, with rules set out in our constitution. We are one of Kiama’s largest associations, with over 160 members and 600 social media followers.

We are run by a management committee. Our office holders are Sue Eggins - President and Secretary, Brian Keast - Vice President and Tony Gilmour - Treasurer.

Committee members are Malcolm Bedford, Heather Bell, David Radford, Gill Spooner and Gail Taylor.

Why not join as a member, or ask about helping as a museum volunteer?

What we do

We curate historical artefacts in the Pilots Cottage that tell the story of Kiama pre- and post- white settlement, and allow visitors guided and informed access to the Cottage;

The Society helps educate and inform local people and visitors on the history of the Kiama district through hosting speaker presentations, historical book launches, social events, and educational and club/society visits to the Cottage. We also maintain a social and traditional media presence.

We lobby council and the community to help preserve Kiama’s built heritage environment, including active involvement in planning policies and development applications.

Our Society creates social capital and engagement by bringing together community members, and works closely with other historical societies, Kiama Council and Kiama library.